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 JPST Volume-2, Issue-2, 2013   Rss Feed
Review Article: Critical Issues in the Conduct of Antihypertensive Clinical Trials

Bhaswat Sundar Chakraborty*

DOI:     Pages: 47-55

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Prospective and Challenges of Micro-Emulsion as a Novel Carrier for Drug Delivery

Tapan Kumar Giri*, Nitin Giri Goswami, Vijay Kumar Jha

DOI:     Pages: 56-61

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Preparation and Characterization of Maleic Anhydride Cross-Linked Chitosan-Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Matrix Transdermal Patch

Parimal Maji*, Arijit Gandhi, Sougata Jana, Nirmal Maji

DOI:     Pages: 62-67

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Short Communication: Anatomical and Histological Study of Stem, Root and Leaf of the Medicinal Plant Amaranthus spinosus Linn.

Manik Baral*

DOI:     Pages: 68-71

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Quercitrin from Ixora coccinea Leaves and its Anti-oxidant Activity

Sankhadip Bose*, Sushomasri Maji, Pranabesh Chakraborty

DOI:     Pages: 72-74

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Comparative In Vitro Evaluation of Conventional Ibuprofen Marketed Formulation

Tapan Kumar Giri*, Manjusha

DOI:     Pages: 75-80

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Evaluation of the Rhizomes of Curcuma longa Linn.

Nilanjana Deb*, Purba Majumdar, Ajoy Kumar Ghosh

DOI:     Pages: 81-86

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: A Solid Self-Emulsifying System for Dissolution Enhancement of Etoricoxib

Amit Kumar Nayak, Sougata Jana

DOI:     Pages: 87-90

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: An In Vitro Study on Effect of Lactic Acid and Ascorbic Acid on Etoposide-Induced Lipid Peroxidation

Pritesh Devbhuti*, Sanchita Roy, Radha Gobinda Sarkar, Debabrata Devbhuti

DOI:     Pages: 91-95

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]
