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 JPST Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012   Rss Feed
Research Article: Development and Validation of a Simultaneous HPLC Method for Quantification of Amlodipine Besylate and Metoprolol Tartrate in Tablets

Sayyed Hussain, Rashid R. Munjewar, Mazahar Farooqui*

DOI:     Pages: 01-05

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Improvement of Bioavailability of Poorly Soluble Drugs through Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery System

Sanjay Dey*, Sajal Kumar Jha, Jadupati Malakar, Amites Gangopadhyay

DOI:     Pages: 06-11

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: A Study of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of one Novel C-21 Steroidal Glycoside known as Carumbelloside-IV isolated from Caralluma umbellata

Sayantan Ray*, K Nagaiah, Nawaz F Khan

DOI:     Pages: 12-14

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Effects of Alkaloid Rich Extract of Citrullus colocynthis Fruits on Artemia Salina and Human Cancerous (MCF-7 AND HEPG-2) Cells

Aniruddha Mukherjee*, Savita D Patil

DOI:     Pages: 15-19

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Epilepsy and its Management: A Review

Hirak Kumar Mukhopadhyay*, Chandi Charan Kandar, Sanjay Kumar Das, Lakshmikanta Ghosh, Bijan Kumar Gupta

DOI:     Pages: 20-26

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activity of Methanol Extracts of Cyperus tegetum Roxb. Rhizome

Chaulya NC*, Haldar PK, Mukherjee A

DOI:     Pages: 27-29

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Design and Synthesis of some Benzothiazole Analogs as A2A Receptor Antagonist

S.M. Verma*, Mohit Dadheech, Ram Pal Meena

DOI:     Pages: 30-35

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Inhibitors: A New Target for Anticancer Drug Development

Bari SB*, Adhikari S, Surana SJ

DOI:     Pages: 36-45

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Molecular Docking Based Virtual Design of Polysubstituted Triazoles as Cytochrome P-450 14-Alpha-Sterol Demethylase (Cyp51) Inhibitor

Bibek Pati*, Subhasis Banerjee

DOI:     Pages: 46-51

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]
