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 JPST Volume-8, Issue-2, 2018   Rss Feed
Review Article: Brief Overview on Biological Potential of Various Substituted Phthalazine and Phthalazinone Analogues

Mohammad Asif,Abida,Md. Tauquir Alam

DOI:     Pages:

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Exploration of the Putative Role of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D in Cardiovascular, Immunological and Auto-immune Disorders: An Appraisal

Raja Chakraverty, Pranabesh Chakraborty

DOI:     Pages:

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN): A Nano-Drug Delivery System

Sagar K. Savale

DOI:     Pages:

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Molecular Docking Studies of Arylsubstituted Imidazoles on Oncogenic Protein Bcr-Abl Tyrosine Kinase

Julio A. Rojas Vargas, América García López, Lianne Alvarez Rodríguez, Matheus Froeyen

DOI:     Pages:

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]
