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 JPST Volume-5, Issue-1, 2015   Rss Feed
Research Article: HPLC Method Development and Validation for Determination of Artemether in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Mohamed Aly Amin Ahmed Ibrahim*,Mounir Zaky Saad,Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin

DOI:     Pages: 02-04

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Role of Amylin in Obesity

Manoj A. Suva*,Ankita M. Patel,Neeraj Sharma

DOI:     Pages: 05-10

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Knowledge on Medicine Use, Medicine Information Needs and Medicine Information Sources Accessible and Preferred By Visually Disabled Adults

Chamari Lochana Weeraratne*,Chamith Thushanga Rosa,Sharmika Thilini Opatha

DOI:     Pages: 11-15

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Neurobehavioral Activity of Pandanus tectorius Parkinson (Pandanaceae) Leaf Extract in various Experimental Models

Punitkumar Rameshchandra Bhatt*,Kajal Punitkumar Bhatt

DOI:     Pages: 16-18

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: A Novel α-Amylase from Haloalkalphlic Marine Nocardiopsis sp. Strain B2: Purification and Characterization

Samrat Chakraborty,Sougata Jana*,Lixin Zhang,Chandrakant Kokare

DOI:     Pages: 19-24

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Enhanced Tumor Targeting and Antitumor Activity of Gemcitabine Encapsulated Stealth Liposomes

Bangale G.S.*,Rajesh K.S,Shinde G.V

DOI:     Pages: 25-31

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Interactive Mixture of Piroxicam and Polymers for Development of Mucoadhesive Fast Disintegrating Sublingual Tablet : In Vitro-In Vivo Evaluation

Payghan Santosh*,Kate Vaishali

DOI:     Pages: 32-44

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Validated HPLC Methods for Determination of Echinacea Dry Extract in Pharmaceutical Formulations

Mohamed Aly Amin Ahmed Ibrahim*,Mounir Zaky Saad,Alaa El Sayed Ahmed Amin

DOI:     Pages: 45-47

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Role of Ascorbic Acid on Gentamicin Induced Alteration in Plasma Lipid Profile

Pritesh Devbhuti*

DOI:     Pages: 48-53

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Assessment of Prescribing Trends and Quality of Handwritten Prescriptions from Rural India

Kalpesh R. Patil*,Rupali S. Mali,Bharti K. Dhangar,Piyush S. Bafna,Manish B. Gagarani,Sanjay B. Bari

DOI:     Pages: 54-60

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]
