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 JPST Volume-4, Issue-2, 2015   Rss Feed
Review Article: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy in Protein Research

Shovanlal Gayen, Nirmal Jayabalan, Souvik Basak

DOI:     Pages: 32-33

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Antibacterial Activity of the Methanolic Extract of the Bark of Garcinia lanceifolia Roxb.

Nilutpal Sharma Bora, Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti, Barnali Gogoi

DOI:     Pages: 34-35

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Comparative Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds of Poppy Seed Oil Extracted by Two Different Methods via Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

Jian Guo, Dongqian Kong, Liandong Hu

DOI:     Pages: 36-38

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Review Article: Anticancerous Efficacy of Betulinic acid: An Immunomodulatory Phytochemical

Aruna Bhatia*, Gurpreet Kaur, Harmandeep Kaur Sekhon

DOI:     Pages: 39-46

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Acute Hepatotoxicity of Nano- and Micro-sized Iron Particles in Adult Albino Rats; Histopathological changes

Ghada Hasabo, Mahmoud Elbasiouny, Mervat AbdelSalam, Sherien Ghaleb, Niveen Eldessouky

DOI:     Pages: 47-50

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: HPLC Method Development and Validation for Determination of Lumefantrine in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Mohamed Aly Amin Ahmed Ibrahim, Mohamed Aly Abd El Aziz Aly El Degwy

DOI:     Pages: 51-53

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]

Research Article: Availability of Essential Medicines and Inventory Management Practice in Primary Public Health Facilities of Gondar Town, North West Ethiopia

Mulugeta Fentie, Addisie Fenta, Firehiwot Moges, Habtam Oumer, Sintayehu Belay, Yeheyes Sebhat,Tadele Atinafu, Tadesse Mekonnen, Jeevanandham Somasundaram

DOI:     Pages: 54-56

[Abstract]          [Download PDF]
