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Journal of PharmaSciTech Volume-5, Issue-1, 2015

Review Article

Role of Amylin in Obesity
Manoj A. Suva*,Ankita M. Patel,Neeraj Sharma

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Overweight (body mass index, BMI ≥ 25 kg/m ) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m ) are most common nutritional disease affecting more than half of the population in world. The food intake and body weight is regulated by a complex neural network comprising the hypothalamus and the hindbrain. Obesity leads to rise in adiposity signals like insulin and leptin, which leads to insulin and leptin resistance. Increased levels of adiposity and adiposity signals modulate the release and sensitivity to various gut hormones like glucagon like peptide-1, cholecystokinin and amylin which are involved in food intake regulation. Although amylin has multiple actions, including inhibiting secretion of glucagon and insulin, as well as that of lipase and amylase, this review focuses on the relationship between amylin, specific role in central network of appetite regulation and how obesity or a high fat diet affect central signaling of adipose and gut derived hormones.

Keywords: Obesity,adiposity signals,insulin,leptin,amylin